

Hannes Óli Ágústsson leikur einstakling af dýrategundinni homo sapiens sem lifir í íslenskum aðstæðum. Það snjóar á úlpuna sem merkt er Strætó BS og hann lætur sig dreyma um blíðari skilyrði á meginlandi Evrópu.


Leikstjóri er Hallur Örn Árnason.

Um kvikmyndatöku og klippingu sá Arnar Sigurðsson.

Og hljóðið gerði Bára Kristín Axelsdóttir.


Stuttmyndin er byggð á ljóðinu On the Continent eftir bandaríska fyllibyttuskáldið Charles Bukowski. En það er svona á frummálinu:


I’m soft. I

dream too.

I let myself dream. I dream of

being famous. I dream of

walking the streets of London and

Paris. I dream of

sitting in cafes

drinking fine wines and

Charles Bukowski.

taking a taxi back to a good


I dream of

meeting beautiful ladies in the hall


turning them away because

I have a sonnet in mind

that I want to write

before sunrise. at sunrise

I will be asleep and there will be a

strange cat curled up on the



I think we all feel like this

now and then.

I’d even like to visit

Andernach, Germany, the place where

I began, then I’d like to

fly on to Moscow to check out

their mass transit system so

I’d have something faintly lewd to

whisper into the ear of the mayor of

Los Angeles upon to my return to this

fucking place.


it could happen.

I’m ready.

I’ve watched snails crawl over

ten foot walls

and vanish.


you mustn’t confuse this with


I would be able to laugh at my

good turn of the cards –


and I won’t forget you.

I’ll send postcards and

snapshots, and the

finished sonnet.