Í þessu frábæra myndskeiði frá 1984, sem Viðar Víkingsson hlóð á YouTube, syngur Megas sálminn Í bljúgri bæn og þökk til þín sem séra Pétur Þórarinsson samdi. Lagið er bandarískt þjóðlag, Banks of the Ohio, svokölluð morðballaða.
Fjölmargir tónlistarmenn hafa flutt morðballöðuna, þar á meðal Johnny Cash, Joan Baez og Olivia Newton John. Hún fjallar um mann að nafni Willie sem býður ungri kærustu sinni í göngutúr. Hún hafnar bónorði hans og hann myrðir hana við bakka fljótsins.
Sálmurinn Í bljúgri bæn og þökk til þín:
Í bljúgri bæn og þökk til þín,
sem þekkir mig og verkin mín.
Ég leita þín, Guð leiddu mig
og lýstu mér um ævistig.
Ég reika oft á rangri leið,
sú rétta virðist aldrei greið.
Ég geri margt, sem miður fer,
og man svo sjaldan eftir þér.
Sú ein er bæn í brjósti mér,
ég betur kunni þjóna þér,
því veit mér feta veginn þinn,
að verðir þú æ Drottinn minn.
Johnny Cash syngur Banks of the Ohio.
Banks of the Ohio:
I asked my love to take a walk
Take a walk just a little ways
And as we walked, along we talk
All would be our wedding day
And only say that you’ll be mine
In no others arms entwined
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio
I asked her if she’d marry me
And my wife forever be
She only turned her head away
And had no other words to say
And only say that you’ll be mine
In no others arms entwined
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio
I plunged a knife into her breast
And told her she was going to rest
She cried „Oh Willy, don’t murder me
I’m not prepared for eternity“
I took her by her golden curls
And drug her down to the river side
And there I threw her into drown
And I watched her as she floated down
And only say that you’ll be mine
In no others arms entwined
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio
And going home between twelve and one
I cried „Oh Lord, what have I’ve done?“
I’ve killed the only girl I love
Because she would not marry me
And only say that you’ll be mine
In no others arms entwined
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio
Joan Baez.